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Monday, August 24, 2020
To Build A Fire Character Stud Essay -- essays research papers
In "To Build a Fire," Jack London communicates his point of view of the large number of amateurs who ran to the yukon in a scramble for gold. It is obvious that he accepted that these newcomers were excessively unpracticed and blinded by gold fever to endure the excursion. In the same way as other of them, "the Man" is driven by his own silly personality to act nonsensically and to not follow shrewd exhortation. Despite the fact that his consience consistently pesters at him, his inner self driven method of thought continues pushing him aimlessly forward. The Man isn't just agent of other fortune trackers such as himself, yet he additionally repersents each individual on this planet. We all, sooner or later in time, pushed our own consience aside and followed our own narrow minded self image. The Man was a newcomer to the land, yet when he was offered counsel on the best way to endure the cruel states of the Yukon, he just chuckled at it: It unquestionably was cold, was his idea. That man from Sulfur Creek had spoken reality when telling how cool it now and then got in the nation. Furthermore, he had chuckled at him at that point! That indicated that one must not be excessively certain about things. This shows he is driven by his conscience, and like numerous other youngsters, he believes that he is such a great amount of better than every other person that he doesn't tune in to the exhortation of an elderly person who has proably been living in the Yukon longer than the Man has been alive. Fifty degrees bleow zero represented a chomp of ice that hurt and that must be made preparations for by the...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sadada Free Essays
Heineken Netherlands B. V. : Reengineering IS/IT To Enable Customer †Oriented Supply Chain Management In June 1993, Jan Janssen, budgetary administrator of Heineken Nether terrains B. We will compose a custom exposition test on Sadada or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now V. what's more, the individual answerable for Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT), and his IS director, Rob Pietersen, confronted the test of building up an IS/IT setup that would increase the value of the business and bolster the continuous change of Heineken’s flexibly chain the executives framework. This framework was broad, providing the Dutch home market, yet in addition giving a huge piece of the gracefully to in excess of 100 fare nations served by the Heineken Group. Gracefully bind the executives key to big business wide change. The executives was focused on a procedure driven association, client assistance organizations, 24-hour conveyance lead time, significant advancements in the vehicle framework, and coming about changes in the manner in which individuals worked. Furthermore, Janssen realized that these and that's only the tip of the iceberg required essential changes in the manner this new work was to be bolstered by data frameworks and innovation. Janssen was persuaded that the viable administration of data just as an increasingly proper IT framework were basic to accomplishing Heineken’s objectives of expanded adaptability, more noteworthy coordination, and a more honed center around client needs. In his psyche, the change program started in 1990 in the IS/IT zone had quite recently been the start. Presently, he and Pietersen expected to plan a data frameworks and innovation spine that would be adaptable enough to develop with the changing industry needs and adjust to constant changes in innovation. HEINEKEN NETHERLANDS B. V. Heineken Netherlands B. V. was the chief working organization answerable for tasks in Heineken’s home market. It likewise represented a critical piece of Heineken N. V. ‘s overall fares. Of the 60. 4 million hectoliters’ of lager created worldwide under the management of the Heineken Group in 1994, a huge part was delivered in the company’s two Dutch distilleries Zoeterwoude and 's-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch). In like manner, 11 percent of the Heineken Group’s deals occurred in the residential market, and in excess of 5400 representatives worked for Heineken Netherlands. Gracefully Chain Management The flexibly chain at Heineken Netherlands started with the receipt of the crude materials that went into the fermenting procedure, and proceeded through bundling, circulation, and conveyance. Blending took a month and a half; it started with the malt blend of grain and finished with the sifting of the brew after aging. Contingent upon the conveyance channel, the lager was then bundled in â€Å"one-way†or returnable jugs or jars of various sizes and marks, put in barrels, or conveyed in mass. The assortment of outlets implied that the organization needed to oversee contrasts accordingly time (brew for the household advertise was created to stock, while traded lager was delivered to request) and three unmistakable appropriation channels. While each channel comprised principally of similar strides from the receipt of crude materials through preparing, they varied significantly in bundling and dissemination. Brew could be disseminated to either on-premise outlets (lodgings, cafés, and bistros, where it was conveyed in barrels or emptied legitimately into basement lager tanks), off-premise outlets (general stores, basic food item and alcohol stores, where it was sold in an assortment of container and bundle sizes for home utilization), or to send out business sectors (trade conveyances were specially made). Continuous Transformation With key clients mentioning quicker reaction times, the advancement of a procedure driven perspective on Heineken’s gracefully chain exercises got basic. The organization began the change of its gracefully chain the board framework by making client care associations with its biggest residential clients. The general target was to improve the coordinations chain drastically for these clients. Accordingly, conveyance lead times were decreased and the vehicle framework was changed. Nonetheless, the flexibly chain change was viewed as a ceaseless procedure. New Customer-Service Partnerships In these new help associations, Heineken was mentioned to decrease the time from the arrangement of the item request to the genuine conveyance. Previously, this conveyance lead time had been three days, however the store ties needed Heineken to gracefully their distribution centers in the Netherlands in 24 hours. Every one of the stockrooms conveyed just 8 hours of stock whenever, so the general store chains relied upon brisk and adaptable conveyance to keep up low inventories and quick reaction times. To additionally upgrade its nearby collaboration with clients, Heineken had set out on a pilot trial of another coordinations improvement called â€Å"Comakership†with Albert Heijn, the biggest general store chain in the Netherlands. Comakership was a piece of Albert Heijn’s Efficient Customer Response venture, â€Å"Today for Tomorrow. †The Albert Heijn retail locations sent their business data as examining information to the PC in their focal administrative center. There, the information for Heineken items were checked out and isolated. The lager deals data was then transferred by means of a standard EDI framework (gave by a worth included system administrator) from the focal office of Albert Heijn legitimately to Heineken’s Zoeterwoude bottling works. Heineken was typically ready to convey inside 18 hours. Despite the fact that the pilot had been started in just one of Albert Heijn’s circulation focuses (and the arrangement of stores it served), it had just brought about lower lead times, diminished expenses, and less intricacy in the appropriation framework. Moving to a 24-Hour Delivery Lead Tinge because of these triumphs, top administration inferred that conveyance lead time could be sliced to 24 hours for most residential clients. In any case, it would require significant moves in the company’s stock levels, conveyance focuses, work association, transport framework, authoritative structure, and data frameworks. The 24-hour lead time considered more prominent stock turnover and for lower stock levels in the client appropriation focuses. There was, be that as it may, more interdepot traffic and higher supplies of bundling material (â€Å"returnables†) on the distillery premises (which had been found somewhere else along the flexibly chain). Be that as it may, the board accepted that as less all out stock was held in the framework, these bundling material stocks may be decreased after some time. New Transport System Until 1991, Heineken Netherlands had contracted out the transportation of its items from the two bottling works to around 50 transporters. Every one of them utilized a lorry-trailer framework with â€Å"dedicated†drivers-a driver and his â€Å"truck†could make a normal of 2. 1 conveyances for every day. To meet the 24-hour lead time, Heineken needed to totally change the armada utilized for move and lessen the quantity of transporters from 50 to 10. Heineken then contracted 4 lodge trucks from every transporter (40 lodge trucks altogether) and paid them for the utilization of the trailers. The capacity of the driver to move starting with one trailer then onto the next without hanging tight for emptying implied that he could make a normal of 2. conveyances every day (a cost decrease of roughly G1. 5 million ). New Information Management (IM) Needs Heineken’s client assistance association with Albert Heijn and different changes Heineken had executed in its flexibly chain exercises carried new data necessities to help the more tough conveyance directs. With the pilot testing of the Comakership coordi nations improvement, Heineken expected to actualize frameworks which could deal with this new exchange of data, and make proper alterations in work exercises and hierarchical structure. Moreover, the new IS/IT foundation should have been adaptable enough to deal with and reflect singular retailer and client lager buying designs. With regards to these adjustments in flexibly chain exercises, Janssen thought about the beginnings of the change of IS/IT: The change of IS/IT and the movements happening in our gracefully chain exercises were simultaneous without causality. That is weird, however it simply happened that way. I can’t state to you that it is a â€Å"chicken and egg†sort of story. Obviously, there was a connection yet not an express one. Some place in our psyches, when you do one you do the other, as well. Jansen realized that the connection between data the executives, data frameworks, and data innovation must be obviously characterized to have ideal help for the new ways to deal with esteem creation. Data the executives concentrated on supporting clients and making new â€Å"bundles of products and ventures. †Information frameworks concentrated on creating applications programming, overseeing information, and supporting the new business forms. At long last, data innovation related essentially to information and content administrations, and the basic working frameworks, interfaces, equipment, and systems. Stage l: RECOGNIZING THE NEED FOR CHANGE In July 1989, toward the start of the considerable number of changes at Heineken, Janssen (at that point at central command and liable for IS/IT around the world) got a solicitation for a second centralized server at Heineken Netherlands, costing G6 million (with another G6 million required in three to four years); Janssen got the counseling firm Nolan, Norton, Inc. to assess the IS/IT foundation, first at the corporate level and afterward at the working organization level for Heineken Netherlands: A proposition to buy a subsequent centralized server concentrated everyone on our IS/IT framework. You must have an emergency to get individuals thinking. IS/IT Benchmarking Nolan, Norton, Inc. benchmarked Heineken’s IS/IT cost structure against the drink business I
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Mind the Gap (again)
Mind the Gap (again) Im currently in Indianapolis, busy with the Intel International Science Engineering Fair (ISEF). An entry about ISEF with photos is coming when I get a chance, but in the meantime, this is a good time to talk about the possibility of deferring admission, also known as taking a gap year. In the interests of time, Im going to reprint an entry (edited slightly) from last year about an Associated Press article: The Associated Press has a nice story about gap years that has been picked up by news organizations across the country. I first saw it at, but its been in newspapers and on websites from to You can read the story yourself here, but Ill pull out some choice quotes below for comment. Many college admissions officers support the idea [of deferring admission for a year or two]. While cautioning that a gap year between high school and college isnt for everyone and that just goofing off isnt worthwhile they say many students who take one return more confident and self-aware. [] Generally, schools make students submit a proposal beyond lying on the beach, but often little more is required. The University of Chicago says it will grant deferrals for almost any reason as long as students dont apply elsewhere. Its reached the point where a lot of us in admissions are talking about ways to get students to just kind of relax, said Martha Merrill, dean of admission and financial aid at Connecticut College. We at MIT are among those college admissions officers who are supportive of students taking a gap year. And, like the University of Chicago (and many other schools), were happy to grant deferrals to most any proposal you might have. Also, we agree with Connecticut Colleges Martha Merrill as youve probably read on these blogs, were quite interested in finding ways of making college admissions and the high school to college transition less stressful and frenzied. If you are a member of the Class of 2010 and would like to request a one-year (or sometimes two-year) deferral from starting at MIT, you can send a letter outlining your plans to our office: Office of AdmissionsMassachusetts Institute of Technology77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 3-108Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 Gap year is a bit of a loaded term, I think, with images of British aristocracy vacationing in the south of France coming to mind. But during my years in admissions, Ive seen students take some time before starting MIT for many great reasons. For example, one of my favorite students spent a year as an EMT in Israel before his freshman year. This gave him a lot of perspective on the world, and when he got his first bad grade at MIT, he knew that it wasnt a disaster, but rather an indication that he might want to reexamine his study habits and try a little harder next time. No crisis. Ultimately, his impact on MIT and the students around him was great, and his mentorship, with the help of his gap years perspective, was invaluable to many students here. The article also addresses the different kinds of gap years: Gap years need not be a luxury for the rich. Some students use them to earn money for school. Many programs offer scholarships or compensation for labor; AmeriCorps offers a living allowance and education funding. Reardon says anyone would be hard-pressed during a gap year to spend the $30,000 or more many of them would be paying for college. Im not writing to say that all students should take some time off before starting college. But I do think that there is a bit of a stigma about such plans in many areas of the country, a stigma that should be eliminated. The AP writes: In the United States, however, experts say the increasing stress of college admissions makes parents nervous about any kind of unusual path. These are families that somehow see this as not part of the grand plan, said Gail Reardon, who founded a Boston company, Taking Off, that helps students plan gap years. Adds Lee Stetson, dean of admissions at the University of Pennsylvania: Not wanting to break stride is the American way. [] I dont think theres any rational explanation to just run to college, [Gerrit Lansing, a student who took a gap year] said. Theres no reason. Its just what everyone does. The bottom line here is that it is okay to slow down. Life, college, career its not a race. Post Tagged #gap year
Friday, May 22, 2020
Unsafe Working Conditions for Meatpacking Plant Employees...
The aquarium of life is filled with all sorts of wonderful fish, each having its own purpose: clown fish to entertain, gold and neon tetras to illuminate, emperor plescostomas to rule, sharks to bite, bottom feeders to pick up the waste left behind and of course feeder fish, to be eaten. Unlike its expensive companions a feeder fish is only worth about 7.2 cents. It is kept in crowded, disease infested waters, sold at a pathetic price, and is made to sacrifice its body for the common good. In mans aquarium there are many different terms for feeder fish: indentured servants, fiefs, peons, sweatshop workers, slaves. Societies have been built by these people, have sustained through the sweat of these people, and (in my opinion)†¦show more content†¦Since the industry is not willing to change their system of production or the speed of their conveyor belts, in order to insure the safety of their workers, one can assume that the industry does not care about their workers. This is not the first time in history that companies have lacked sympathy for their employees. All one has to do is visit an internet search engine and type in the words: industrial and revolution to learn how poorly most companies treated their employees when unchecked. It is common American knowledge that during the industrial revolution children, five and older, often worked in mines and sweat shops for more then sixteen hours a day. It is also widely known that workers received ridiculously low wages, and that when a factory worker was injured on the job, they were most likely fired with out receiving any benefits or money to help with the medical costs. The solution to the child labor problem was, like everything else in life, rather complex. Public awareness of this problem can be a credited to the womens reform movement. It did do little to improve the problem - the child work force actually increased from one to two million between the years of 1890 and 1910 - but with out these progressive women, the federal government might not have done anything to improve the situation. In the end it was the federal government that stepped in and endedShow MoreRelatedEric Schlossers Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal1377 Words  | 6 Pages In the book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser talks about the working conditions of fast food meat slaughterhouses. In the chapter â€Å"The Most Dangerous Job,†one of the workers, who despised his job, gave Schlosser an opportunity to walk through a slaughterhouse. As the author was progressed backwards through the slaughterhouse, he noticed how all the workers were sitting very close to each other with steel protective vests and knives. The workers were mainly young Latina women, who worked swiftlyRead MoreThe Plague Of Fast Food Restaurants1283 Words  | 6 Pagesquality of life and the abuse of employees, and even livestock associated with such franchises. The abundance of fast food restaurants in communities, especially those of lower income, influence consumer dietary choices and intensifies obesity among adolescents and adults. Obesity is a major health concern in the United States; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than one-third of American adults are obese, and that obesity related conditions such as heart disease, strokeRead MoreEssay on To what Extent the Progressive Movement was Successful1283 Words  | 6 Pagesmeat-packing plant to observe harmful and unsanitary practices. In the factory, to kill rats, Sinclair wrote, ?the packers would put poisoned bread out for them, they would die, and then rats, bread, and meat would go into the hoppers together.? Hence, that would be the meat made for the public to eat. Many people did not consider that the meat industries actually did this, for example, former President Roosevelt doubted Sinclair?s viewpoints, and however, he ordered an investigation of meatpacking practicesRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pagespositively affecting performance in organizations, both large and small. A joint venture between General Electric and a Japanese company, GE Fanuc is a manufacturer of factory automation and control products. Headquartered in Virginia with 1,500 employees, the HR department primarily performed administrative support activities. But when Donald Borwhat, Jr., took over as Senior Vice President of Human Resources, he and his staff began by restructuring and decentralizing the HR entity so that each functionalRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesChapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PART 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Socializing, Orienting, and Developing Employees 182 Managing Careers 208 PART 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 MAINTAINING HIGH PERFORMANCE Establishing the Performance Management System 230 Establishing Rewards and Pay Plans 260 Employee Benefits 286 Ensuring a Safe and HealthyRead MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words  | 696 PagesObjective: 4 AACSB: Use of IT Difficulty: Moderate 45) Each of the following is true about the Internets impact on the way business is conducted today, EXCEPT one. Identify the exception. A) It has facilitated high-speed communication among employees. B) It has empowered consumers with easy access to information. C) It can be used as a powerful sales channel. D) It has facilitated mass marketing but not the sale of customized products. E) It enables marketers to use social media to advertise
Friday, May 8, 2020
Nike Direct Marketing Nike - 1428 Words
Kristen Brink Professor Wang Final Assignment November 11, 2014 Nike Direct Marketing Nike, Inc. has been the world’s leading innovator and provider in athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for 50 years. Their mission has been to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world; if you have a body, you are an athlete. Arguably one of the most innovative companies in the world, Nike has built its brand into an iconic world-class powerhouse that continues to dominate the market with no signs of slowing up. Nike’s marketing and advertising have been breakthrough, aspirational, and legendary over the years, featuring high-profile athletes and heroes. Direct Marketing is the use of many media channels to communicate directly to the targeted customer. Nike sells its merchandise through retail stores and other channels. The company offers its products to retail accounts, through Nike-owned retail stores and Internet websites and through a mix of independent distributors and licensees, in virtually all countrie s around the world. Nike benefits a consumer will receive for purchasing certain products. Nike offers many things to their consumers. Nike participates in continuity selling. They try to keep their consumers by offering many things while a person is making a purchase. Nike uses a price skimming technique for some of their sneakers like the ‘Air Max’. They set up the sneakers at a high price only to lower the price as time goes by. NewShow MoreRelatedNike Inc. : The World s Leading Athletic Footwear, Apparel And Equipment Company894 Words  | 4 Pages Nike Inc. is the world’s leading athletic footwear, apparel and equipment company. Nike’s mission statement, â€Å"bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete†(Nike, 2016). Nike’s mission statement relates to every human on this earth regardless of size or shape. The two goals of Nike Inc. are to serve and inspire the athlete and to reach a large audience (Nike CR Report, 2014). Nike has done an incredible job meeting these two goals becauseRead MoreNike Strategy1302 Words  | 6 Pagesmodule Session Long Project I picked Nike, Inc as the multinational company to study. Here we will discuss the origin and history of this company and its profile. We will also cover Nike s international activities and how they managed to become today s world s leading supplier of athletic shoes, apparel and sports equipment. We will see how this company managed to expand internationally and control the sportswear arena completely by utilizing marketing strategy centering around brand imageRead MoreNike s Competitiveness And External Environment1488 Words  | 6 Pagesareas of interest. The political factors for Nike are the possibility of tariffs being imposed by the United States federal government in their overseas operations. According to the world manufacturing map, Nike has factories in 42 countries (Nike, Inc, 2017). Therefore, tariffs, sanctions, or embargos that could be placed because of turmoil in countries such as, Russia, North Korea, or Venezuela; have the potential to be catastrophic for companies like Nike. Consequently, all of their manufacturingRead MoreImc Nike875 Words  | 4 PagesIntegrated Marketing Communications: Nike Ashford BUS 615 (MOE1540A) Dr. Paula Zobisch October 12, 2015 Nike is known worldwide for manufacturing and selling performance shoes as well as shoes that have become a part of the world’s most fashion savvy athletes and laymen alike. Nike has a great corporate image and boasts the likes of the wildly popular classics such as the Air Jordan, the Air Max, and the Air Force One shoe. Nike has clearly devoted time, research andRead MoreNike954 Words  | 4 PagesNike. The Positioning statement of Nike is â€Å"For serious athletes, Nike gives confidence that provides the perfect shoe for every sport†. In today’s competitive environment, Nike, one of the global leaders in sporting goods industry, has established a strong position for enhancing athletic life style. It’s the number one sports manufacturer in the world design by Nolan Breitbarth in the 1970s with Phil knight founder of Nike Inc. It is the leading sporting goods Company in the United States andRead MoreNike s Code Of Conduct959 Words  | 4 PagesEvery year, about 900 million pieces of Nike footwear, apparel and equipment arrive at the right destination on time. The complex process involves more than 50 distribution centers, a network of thousands of accounts, and more than 100,000 retail stores around the world. As a leading company in footwear industry, Nike believes they have the responsibility to conduct their business in an ethical way and also expects the same of its business partners. Moreover, Nike focuses on working with long-term,Read MoreAdidas Referee Kits For International Association Teams1035 Words  | 5 Pagescountries.       Nike Inc.  an American multinational corporation that is involved in the design, development manufacturing and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories. Nike headquarter is located near Beaverton, Oregon, in the Portland metropolitan area. One of the world s largest suppliers of athletic shoes and apparel and a major manufacturer of sports equipment is Nike, with revenue in excess of US$24.1 billion in its financial year 2012. Nike has more than 44Read MoreMarketing Plan For Nike And Gatorade Essay1679 Words  | 7 Pagescompanies together as partners in more than just the way of marketing. The product idea for this assignment is a tube of lip balm with the electrolyte replenishment of Gatorade with the Nike logo. This marketing plan is designed for Nike and Gatorade and is meant to secure funding for a new product development project. The goal of this project is to increase the value of Nike cooperation as well as f inancial growth for the companies’ employees. Nike has launched several new products over the years sinceRead More Commodity Chain Analysis of Nike Shoes Essay1621 Words  | 7 PagesCommodity chain analysis of a Nike Shoe Introduction Since its creation, Nike has proven itself as a popular brand and it has created niches by selling products such as footwear, apparels and various types of sports equipment. This paper will attempt to trace the product development of Nike shoes from its origins in conception and design to the manufacturing and production process located in contract factories in developing countries to advertising and marketing of Nike as a cultural commodity andRead MoreCompany Overview: Nike, INC1106 Words  | 4 PagesNike, Inc. is the world’s leading designer, marketer and distributor of athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. NIKE, Inc. sells, distributes and licenses its products in approximately 200 countries around the world. NIKE focuses its products in seven key categories: Running, Basketball, Soccer, Men’s Training, Women’s Training, NIKE Sportswear and Action sports. NIKE sells products through its NIKE Brand and Affiliate Brands (Converse
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools Free Essays
â€Å"Bullying. This means threatening, harassing, persecuting or insulting others. Especially those who are weaker. We will write a custom essay sample on Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is a daily terror for many children, possibly your child without knowing it. And schools, some more than others are becoming infested with bullies taking advantage of smaller or timid ones. Is your child being bullied at school? This statement made by Professor Ramesh Deosaran is taken from one of his articles (Bullying, The Silent Terror, dated October 17, 2010) which has brought the problem of bullies and bullying within the school system of Trinidad and Tobago into the public domain. Professor Deosaran is an internationally renowned scholar in criminology and social sciences; he has been recently conferred with the title Professor Emeritus at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus in Trinidad and Tobago. Today I would like to present some facts on â€Å"Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools†. However due to time constraints, I will focus on three major aspects in hopes that I may raise your awareness on the severity of the issue. What is bullying? It can be defined as persistent aggressive behavior by one pupil towards another, intended to cause the victim to suffer. It can range from verbal to physical and even indirect. (Chris Kyriacou, â€Å"Helping Troubled Pupils†). The incidence of it in primary and secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago is quite difficult to estimate since a small proportion of cases are reported to teachers and administrators. These reports are often ignored or some corrective action is taken such as summoning of parents, suspension or even counseling by professionals. Why Do Some People Become Bullies? Most times, they are average students who come from households where discipline is excessive or inconsistent, where family relationships show little warmth and to act aggressively towards others, including adults is the norm. This is possibly because they are not listened to or valued by their family. To compensate for this lack of value at home, the bully finds it in other places such as school, in inappropriate or unhealthy ways. Others might be victims themselves, not only of being bullied but because of these personal problems in the home or even parental bereavement. Many times, a bully does not feel that they can find any other means of fitting in, so they turn to being powerful in a way that they feel brings them respect. They feel that being feared is the way to gain friends and surround themselves with people who look up to them. â€Å"Psychologists used to believe that bullies have low self-esteem and put down other people to feel better about themselves. While many bullies are themselves being bullied at home or in school, new research shows that they actually have excellent self-esteem. They usually have a sense of entitlement and superiority over others and lack compassion, impulse control and social skills. (St Clair, 2011). What Is The Impact Of Bullying On Victimized Students? According to a report done by the Global School Based Student Health Survey (GSHS) in 2007 on selected schools in Trinidad and Tobago, â€Å"victims of bullying have increased stress and a reduced ability to concentrate and are at increased risk for substance abuse, aggressive behavior and suicide attempts. †Victims develop mental health problems, become truants or school refusers, perform less well at school academically than they otherwise would have done, especially those who are subjected to frequent and prolonged bullying. They are likely to have lower levels of self-esteem and they appear to have difficulty making friends. This is because they are labeled as â€Å"different†by the bully and peer pressure stops other students from standing up for them. In addition, the high level of depression for victims stems directly from the act itself. (Roland, 2002). Sometimes victims are encouraged to believe that this something which all students must endure as a part of growing up. By accepting this mentality, the student’s emotional health and well-being are put at stake and the learning process undermined. The student may even develop a decrease ability to devise coping strategies. It may mean that these students may never learn to cope as adults and they cannot form long term relationships. What Is Being Done By the Authorities In Trinidad and Tobago? Thus far, the Ministry of Education has placed Human and Family Life Education (HFLE) on secondary schools’ curriculum and it is taught in most schools. â€Å"The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is looking at the preventative aspect and at early detection and treatment of the problem. †This statement made by The Minister of Education, Tim Gopeesingh, on the 14th of April, 2012. He added that there were preventative measures implemented such as â€Å"The Leader in Me†programme for preschool right up to secondary schools. Student Guidance Support Units in schools are being expanded and a hotline is being set up for children who are bullied. Furthermore, the Chief Education Officer has sent a curricular to all schools asking principals to allow students to have one class per week (Form Teacher Period) in which they can tell of the difficulties they are experiencing. Challenges and Evaluation of Sources In gathering the information required for my research, I had encountered certain challenges along the way. I had an over-abundance of information. It was extremely time consuming to summarize and pick out the most valid and relevant points. However trusted sites were used such as ttparliament. org, bullyonline. org, stopbullying. gov and youthoria. org. These sites were reliable as they were maintained by their organizations consistently and the articles were up to date. A book entitled â€Å"Helping Troubled Pupils†by Chris Kyriacou was very useful as it contained an entire chapter on the topic of bullying from which I was able to extract several valid points. I considered the book a valid source since it was written by a psychologist specifically to help teachers and parents. Conclusion Recent increases in the incidence of bullying among youths in Trinidad and Tobago have led to growing concern about this serious issue. The Government is currently tackling the issue by implementation of preventative measures and by education of students and the public. Although bullying in primary and secondary in schools may never be eradicated, How to cite Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Survey Of Romantic Versus Realism Paintings Essay Paper Example For Students
Survey Of Romantic Versus Realism Paintings Essay Paper A Survey of Romantic and Realistic PaintingsFantasy and reality occupy our worlds everyday. One sees this world around himself and he retreats to what he wishes it was. Why shouldnt he paint about it? The portrayal of fantastic and realistic notions occupied the activity of painters from the mid 1800s to the 20th century. The period of Romantic painting lies roughly from the mid 1700s to the mid/later 1800s, while paintings from the movement of Realism are grouped from the mid 1800s to the 1900s. The aspect of a Romantic compositions balance is characterized by diagonals and tension. Disproportion, imbalance and a feeling of pushing and pulling within the depth of the composition can also be observed. While movement and activity is characteristic of Romantic paintings, a still, quiet, stationary behavior epitomizes Realism paintings. In Eugene Isabeys Boat Ashore at Calas (1851), simple romantic elements comprise the piece: diagonals and smoke. A main diagonal line emphasizes the dow nward slope of a shore lined with beached boats resting upon the sand. A challenging inferior diagonal line of a small group of people and their dinghies cross the main diagonal flow. The two lines of tension resolve at the lower center of the composition highlighting the main, looming subject a dark massive apparition of a docked, freight boat enshrouded by blackening smoke. This is in contrast to Gustave Courbets depiction of sea life in The Calm Sea (1869). The painting resembles a high resolution black and white photograph. Realistic elements are the stationary flatness of the horizon and the solitary presence of two single beached boats. The portrayal of the shoreline, horizon and cloud formation is horizontally stable, thus emphasizing the calmness of the sea. Baron Antoine-Jean Gros Murat Defeating the Turkish Army (1805) is a composition which presents an overwhelming flow of diagonal tension. Murat is centered in the composition uprightly astride on his horse, while the Tu rkish army surrounds him in every conceivable contortion of agony. The Turkish general faces Murat, yet he is positioned diagonally right below Murat in an inferior military pose. Compared to Murat, Courbets Bonjour Monsieur Courbet (1854) finds a very stable balance in the subject of two men saying good-bye to another man. The subject can be divided by the two men on the left and the backpacked man on the right. Stability is emphasized by the strong vertical presence of the men in direct contrast to the flat planed background. The use of balance and tension in Romanticism and Realism is not restricted to its compositional flow but also to the the painters use of his palette. We will write a custom essay on Survey Of Romantic Versus Realism Paintings Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The use of color in Romantic paintings is bold visually and figuratively. Its usage is implemented to represent a feeling or an ideal. The presence of a color may not be realistically representative. For example, if the blood of a corrupt official is painted, it might be painted black or green, rather than red. There is also a heavy application of paint from the brush. The presence of a blurring smoke is also present in much of Romantic paintings. Blurring smoke has many uses, although its usual function is to detach and glorify the main subject from the rest of the background. Color in Realism is highly refined. Color defines the object and is representative of colors in real life a persons blood will usually be red. Lighter brushstrokes are implemented conservatively to represent a true visual representation of reality. The use of color representation can be observed in Gros Murat and Courbets Bonjour. The victorious Murat is clothed in blue and white upon a white horse, surrounde d by the perishing Turkish swirls of orange and red. Anything that is orange or red around Murat is in a pose of impaled misery. All orange and red is contorted to reveal the imposing presence of Murat. In Bonjour, colors stay inside their lines. The colors used on the mens clothing are very specific to reveal the texture of the clothing. This restriction of color succeeds in giving the painting a quaint realistic candidness. The contrasting use of clouds and smoke can be noted in the romantic works of Gros Murat and Francois Bouchers Venus and Mars (1754) and The Rape of Europe (1732) against the realistic works of Courbets The Calm Sea. In Europe, Bouchers purpose of the clouds is to make comfortable the reclining baby cherubs. What type of clouds can support one infant baby let alone three? not realistic clouds, but romantic clouds. Obviously it is an unrealistic perception of the behavior of clouds. Also note the treatment of clouds in Murat and Europe to the Sea. In Murat, clo uds conveniently converge identically and symmetrically from the shore and the sea to separate Murat upon the Turks from the fantastic background. The clouds intentionally converge over certain scenes of violence over others. While in the Sea, specific details are stippled to create the lining and forming of a cumulonimbus. The clouds are clearly separated from the horizons of the seashore and sealine. Courbet seeks to recreate perceptually what one would actually see at this dismal sight and persuades convincingly. The contrast of colors in reality and fantasy are also affected by the intensity of their hue. .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 , .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .postImageUrl , .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 , .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293:hover , .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293:visited , .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293:active { border:0!important; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293:active , .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293 .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua7a290bcec9fcb3049c7128cdadcc293:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Fibonacci EssayThe use of light in Romantic paintings presents a stark contrast between light and very dark shadows. The source of light in Romanticism is usually artificial and intentional. Its purpose is to highlight the main subject. In Realism, many shades of a color are used to present the object as it is truly perceived. The light is a reproduction of a natural source and forms the outline of the object. There is very little blurring or smoke. Gros Napoleon Bonapart Visits the Plague Stricken at Jaffa can be contrasted to Courbets Deer in the Forest (1868). The Romantic technique of stark contrast between light and dark is used to separate Napoleon from the plague st ricken. Opposite of Realisms use of a natural light source, the main subject of Napoleon and two naked men are artificially and purposefully spotlighted in an otherwise very dark hallway. The Deer of Courbet finds an interesting use of light upon the triangle relationship between the two deer and the large tree. The main subject is a dear climbing up a tree, yet, the deer is completely covered in shadow. The interest lies in the use of bright spots of light speckling the deers backside from the dense collection of tiny leaves above. The touch is realistically effective. The shadows in Deer are also more realistic than romantic. When one perceives something far away, the blurring of the detail turns into a bluish green hue. Courbet recaptures that hue in the backgrounds of trees. The picture looks like a high resolution photograph. Also note the realistic behavior of light in John Singer Sargents Venetian Interior (1850-2). In this painting two modestly dressed Italian ladies walk t oward the painter arm in arm down a relatively bare hallway with two sources of light present: one behind the ladies leading to outside activity and one out of the picture between the painter and the ladies, casting light upon their feet. The women are dark and they somewhat recall impressionist technique, yet the intriguing element of realism is the effect of light upon whatever it touches in the hallway. The light source behind the ladies radiates detail unto an armoire at the beginning of the hallway yet fades. The presence of darkness is not in stark romantic contrast but the effect of less light in a darkened hallway. The figures obviously become more shadowy. Yet as their feet step into the second light source, great detail is placed on the portion of their feet and skirts. This contrast of light, combined with the contrasts of color and balance effect the total composition of the Romantic and Realistic painting. The subjects of realism are very different. Romantic themes appeal to the emotions and are determined by the ideals of the sublime, or sensual liberation, the fantastic, and a German ideal known as Sturm und Drung or storm and stress. Emotional tension is portrayed dramatically in peoples faces and their environments. Another very popular unrealistic Romantic icon is the presence of nudity. The themes of Realism are reactions against Romanticism. They picture the daily life. Picking up fruit, saying good-bye to a friend and interiors of hallways are examples of realistic themes. The contrast is easy to observe with Isabeys Wreck versus Courbets Calm Sea. The tension of diagonal lines against the tall seashore inn combined with the despair on the beached survivors faces create an tumultuous effect. Whereas in the Calm Sea, detail is emphasized on the texture of the inactive sand, the glimmering stillness of the sea and the presence of the clouds. Take Gros Murat and Courbets Bonjour. Murat gloriously tramples and impales the Turkish army, while friends say good bye to each other on a dirt road in Bonjour. Observe Bouchers Daphnis and Chloe (1743) and Adolph William Bauguereaus The Nut Gatherers (late 1800s). The bodily outlines of the scantily clad Daphnis and Chloe create diagonals which meet intimately at their faces. Obviously, an overt emphasis on Romance is depicted in this painting: completely comfortable naked youth upon a jagged mountain outcrop. Whereas in Nut Gatherers, two little girls lie down and pick up nuts in a field. Romance is not everyday. Picking up nuts could quite possibly be an everyday activity. Lastly, Bouchers Venus and Mars to John Singer Sargents Venetian Interior. A naked man and women exchange coy glances in a heavenly state surrounded by eleven cherubs playing with harps and military weapons. This is Romantic. Two discontent ladies with no men walk down a hallway arm in arm. I see this almost everyday at school. This is real. The ? conflict? between the ideals of romantic and realistic paintings are not primarily at opposition to each other, yet rather a reflection of the time and culture of the people who painted them. There is great appreciation for both styles and an inherent beauty in both. Their lasting beauty is a testament to the continuing practice of each of the styles today. .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 , .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .postImageUrl , .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 , .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871:hover , .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871:visited , .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871:active { border:0!important; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871:active , .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871 .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud0c765989c860e5a75cda144ef4be871:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Different Dining Experiences EssayRomanticismFrancois Boucher (1703-1770)? Daphnis et Chloe (1743)? The Rape of Europe (1732)? Venus and Mars (1754)Baron Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835)? Murats Defeating of the Turkish Army(1805) ? General Napoleon Visits the Troops? Napoleon Bonaparte Visits the Plague Stricken at JaffaEugene Isabey 1803 1886? Boat Ashore at Calas (1851)? The Wreck (1854)? Court Reception at Chateau (1852)RealismGustave Courbet (1819 1925) ? Bonjour Monsieur Courbet (1854)? Deer in the Forest (1868)? The Calm Sea (1869) John Singer Sargent (1856-1925)? Venetian Interior (1850-2)? Madame X (1883)Adolph William Baugueareau (1825-1905)? The Nut Gatherers (la te 1800s)A Survey of Romantic and Realistic PaintingsBrian VelascoArts and Painting
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